
Research Interests

My research accomplishments and efforts include:

Research Statement 

My research focus on identifying, understanding, and managing service restoration during outages and enhancing system reliability, accounting for uncertainties with unpredictable renewable generation (e.g. PV and wind), introduction of new types of loads (e.g. electric vehicles, EVs), and changes in consumption patterns (e.g. demand-side management schemes, DSM).


Publications - Book Chapters

[B01] M. AlMuhiani, “Impact of Distributed Generation Integration on the Reliability of Power Distribution Systems”, in Distributed Generation Systems, 1st edition, ELSEVIER, 2017.

[B02] M Al Talaq, M AlMuhaini, " Optimal coordination of time delay overcurrent relays for power systems with integrated renewable energy sources," in  Power System Protection in Future Smart Grids, 81-107, 2024.

Publications - Journals

[J01] M. AlMuhaini, G. Heydt, "A novel method for evaluating future power distribution system reliability,"  IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, V.28, No.3, (2013), P.3018.

[J02] M. AlMuhaini, G. Heydt, “An algorithm for reliability bound evaluation for power distribution system", Journal of Eng. Research, Vol.1, No. 1, pp. 181-199, June 2013.

[J03] M. AlMuhaini, G. Heydt, “Evaluating future power distribution System reliability including distributed generation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.28, no.4, pp.2264-2272, Oct. 2013

[J04] F. Al Badawi and M. AlMuhaini, "Reliability modelling and assessment of electric motor driven systems in hydrocarbon industries," in IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 605-611, 11 2015.

[J05] M. AlOwaifeer and M. AlMuhaini, "Load Priority Modeling for Smart Service Restoration," in Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 217-228, Summer 2017.

[J06] M. AlMuhiani, and A. Al-Sakkaf, “Markovian Model for Reliability Assessment of Microgrids Considering Load Transfer Restriction” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, No.25, 4657 – 4672, Dec. 2017.

[J07] A. Al-Nujaimi, M. Abido and M. AlMuhaini, "Distribution Power System Reliability Assessment Considering Cold Load Pickup Events," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 4197-4206, July 2018.

[J08] M. Al Owaifeer and M. Al-Muhaini, "MILP-based technique for smart self-healing grids," in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 2307-2316, May 2018.

[J09] M. Khalid, M. AlMuhaini, R. P. Aguilera and A. V. Savkin, "Method for planning a wind–solar–battery hybrid power plant with optimal generation-demand matching," in IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 12, no. 15, pp. 1800-1806, 19 11 2018.

[J10] A. Al-Sakkaf , and M. AlMuhiani, “Power Flow Analysis of Weakly Meshed Distribution Network Including DG”, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Vol. 8 No. 5 ,2018.

[J11] A. Al-Muhanna and M. Al-Muhaini, "Reliability impact for optimal placement of power factor correction capacitors considering transient switching events," in The Journal of Engineering, vol. 2019, no. 11, pp. 8185-8192, 11 2019.

[J12] S. Alshahrani, M. Khalid and M. AlMuhaini, "Electric Vehicles Beyond Energy Storage and Modern Power Networks: Challenges and Applications," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 99031-99064, 2019.

[J13] M. AlMuhaini, A. Bizrah, G. Heydt and M. Khalid, "Impact of wind speed modelling on the predictive reliability assessment of wind-based microgrids," in IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 13, no. 15, pp. 2947-2956, 18 11 2019.

[J14] M. Ott, M. AlMuhaini, and M. Khalid “A MILP-Based Restoration Technique for Multi-Microgrid Distribution Systems”, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 136801-136811, 2019. 

[J15] A. Yahaya, M. AlMuhaini and G.  Heydt, "Optimal design of hybrid DG systems for microgrid reliability enhancement," in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 816-823, 13 3 2020.

[J16] N. Amleh, M. AlMuhaini and M. Khalid, “Impact of Smart Restoration and Energy Storage Systems on the Reliability of Electric Microgrid,” Arabian Journal for Science and Technology, vol. 45, pp. 1911–1925, 2020.

[J17] M. Pathan, M. AlOwaifeer, M. AlMuhaini, and S. Djokic,“ Reliability Evaluation of Smart Distribution Grids with Renewable Energy Sources and Demand Side Management” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol.45, pp. 6347–6360, 2020.  

[J18] A. Alahmed, M. AlMuhaini,"An intelligent load priority list–based integrated energy management system in microgrids," Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 185,2020.

[J19] M. Pathan and M. AlMuhaini, “Data Forecasting and Storage Sizing for PV Battery System Using Fuzzy Markov Chain Model,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol.45, pp. 6675–6686, 2020.  

[J20] A. Jubarah, M. AlMuhaini and I. Elamin, "A MILP-Based Approach for Virtual Microgrid Restoration," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 116695-116703, 2020.

[J21] M. Pathan, M. AlMuhaini, S. Djokic,"Optimal reconfiguration and supply restoration of distribution networks with hybrid microgrids," Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 187,2020.

[J22] S. Shafiq, U. Irshad, M. AlMuhaini, S. Djokic and U. Akram, "Reliability Evaluation of Composite Power Systems: Evaluating the Impact of Full and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 114305-114314, 2020.

[J23] M. AlMuhaini, "Electric Vehicle Markov-Based Adequacy Modeling for Electric Microgrids," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 132721-132735, 2020.

[J24] A. S. Al-Ahmed, H. S. Alharbi, I. M. Elamin and M. Al-Muhaini, “ An incentive-based feasibility study of a hybrid AC/DC microgrid in Saudi Arabia”, IET, The Journal of Engineering, 2021. 

[J25] A. Saleem, M. AlMuhaini, “Reliability Assessment of an Isolated Hybrid Microgrid Using Markov Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulation”.  Engineering reviews, 25 Nov. 2021.

[J26] A. Al-Nujaimi, A. Al-Othman, A. Al-Muhanna, M. AlMuhaini, “Optimal Placement of Power Factor Correction Capacitors Considering Transient Switching Events and Load Uncertainty”, Journal of Power Technologies, v.110, n.3, Sep. 2021

[J27] Elkhidir, L.; Khan, K.; Al-Muhaini, M.; Khalid, M. Enhancing Transient Response and Voltage Stability of Renewable Integrated Microgrids. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3710. 

[J28] Al Talaq, M.; Al-Muhaini, M. Optimal Coordination of Time Delay Overcurrent Relays for Power Systems with Integrated Renewable Energy Sources. Energies 2022, 15, 6749. 

[J29] M AlMuhaini, A Yahaya, A AlAhmed, “ Distributed Generation and Load Modeling in Microgrids,” Sustainability 15 (6), 4831, 2023.  

[J30] L Maraaba, M Almuhaini, M Habli, M Khalid, " Neural Networks Based Dynamic Load Modeling for Power System Reliability Assessment," Sustainability 15 (6), 5403, 2023.  

[J31] AS Alahmed, MM AlMuhaini, " A microgrid testbed with hybrid renewables, energy storage, and controllable loads, " Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 48 (5), 5965-5977, 2023.  

[J32] P Ilius, M Almuhaini, M Javaid, M Abido, " A Machine Learning–Based Approach for Fault Detection in Power Systems, " Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 13 (4), 11216-11221, 2023.  

[J33] M Khalid, I Ahmed, M AlMuhaini, AV Savkin, " A novel computational paradigm for scheduling of hybrid energy networks considering renewable uncertainty limitations," Energy Reports 11, 1959-1978, 2024.  

[J34] AlMuhaini, M.: Resilience quantification model for cyber-physical power systems. IET Cyber-Phys. Syst., Theory Appl. 1–9 (2024).

[J35] Binqadhi, H.; Hamanah, W.M.; Shafiullah, M.; Alam, M.S.; AlMuhaini, M.M.; Abido, M.A. A Comprehensive Survey on Advancement and Challenges of DC Microgrid Protection. Sustainability 2024, 16, 6008.

[J36] A. Aljohani, M. AlMuhaini, H. V. Poor and H. M. Binqadhi, "A Deep Learning-Based Cyber Intrusion Detection and Mitigation System for Smart Grids," in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 3902-3914, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TAI.2024.3354688. 

[J37] HH Hamed M. Binqadhi, M. AlMuhaini, H. Vincent Poor, David Flynn, " Motif-based resiliency assessment for cyber-physical power systems under various hazards," IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, 2024. 

[J38] MAHM Salim, M AlMuhaini, " DC Arc Flash Modeling and Analysis of Photovoltaic Arrays Using Magnetohydrodynamic Framework," IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation ( Early Access ), 2024. 

[J39] I Ahmed, A Basit, M Ahmad, M AlMuhaini, M Khalid, "Electric Mobility Challenges and Approaches for Sustainable Green Power Synergy in Smart Cities," Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2024. 

Publications - Conferences 

[C01] H. Mantawy, and M. AlMuhaini, ' A New Particle-Swarm-Based Algorithm For Distribution System Expansion Planning Including Distributed Generation,' Proceedings of the 2nd IASME / WSEAS International Conference on Energy & Environment (EE'07), Portoroz, Slovenia, May 15-17, 2007.

[C02] H. Mantawy, and M. AlMuhaini, ' Multi-Objective BPSO Algorithm for Distribution System Expansion Planning Including Distributed Generation,' Proceedings of 2008 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Chicago, USA, April 21-24, 2008.

[C03] A. Mantawy, M. AlMuhaini, M. Shwehdi, and J. Bakhashwain,” A New Hybrid Algorithm for the Distribution System Expansion Planning Problem.” Proceedings of 2009 IASTED international conference on modeling, simulation, and identification. Bijing, China, Oct 12-14,2009. 

[C04] M. AlMuhaini, G. Heydt, and A. Huynh, “The Reliability of Power Distribution Systems as Calculated using System Theoretic Concepts.’ Proceedings of 2010 IEEE PES General Meeting, Minneapolis, July 25-29,2010.

[C05] M. AlMuhaini, G. Heydt, “Minimal Cut Sets, Petri Nets, and Prime Number Encoding in Distribution System Reliability Evaluation,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society T&D conference, May 2012.

[C06] M. AlMuhaini, G. Heydt, "Customized reduction techniques for power distribution system reliability analysis,"  Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2013.

[C07] A. Bizrah, M. AlMuhaini, “ Load Reliability Analysis Using ARMA Wind Speed Modeling,” 8th IEEE GCC Conference & Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, Feb. 2015.

[C08] M. Alowaifeer, M. AlMuhaini and A. Alsaggaf, "The Impact of Load Management and Renewable DG on the Service Restoration of Future Power Distribution Systems", 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Rome, Italy, June 2015.

[C09] A. Bizrah, M. AlMuhaini, "Modeling Wind Speed Using Probability Distribution Function, Markov and ARMA Models", IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver, USA, July 2015.

[C10] T. Tuffaha, M. AlMuhaini, " Reliability Assessment of a Microgrid Distribution System with PV and Storage," 2015 International Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies (EDST) CIGRE SC C6 Colloquium, Vienna, Austria - September 8-11, 2015. 

[C11] A. Yahaya, M. AlMuhaini, " Reliability Assessment of Load Points Including Solar and Wind DGs," 2015 International Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies (EDST) CIGRE SC C6 Colloquium, Vienna, Austria - September 8-11, 2015. 

[C12] S. Imran, M. AlMuhiani, “Evaluation of the Reliability of Wind Power Generation in a Passive Redundant System,” The 4th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Sharjah, UAE, November 2015.

[C13] M. AlMuhiani, “Reliability Analysis of the Secondary Grid Distribution Networks,” The 4th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Sharjah, UAE, November 2015.

[C14] E. Al-Wafi, A. Al-Subhi, and M. AlMuhaini, “Reliability Assessment of a Practical Power System using Monte Carlo Simulation,” Saudi Arabia Smart Grid 2015, Jeddah, December 2015. 

[C15] I. Hussein, and M. AlMuhaini ,” Reliability Assessment of Integrated Wind-Storage Systems using Monte Carlo Simulation,” 2016 13th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Leipzig, Germany, 21-24 March 2016.

[C16] A. Saleem, I.  Banat, and M. AlMuhaini,” Reliability Assessment of a Stand-Alone Hybrid System Using Monte Carlo Simulation,” 2016 13th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Leipzig, Germany, 21-24 March 2016.

[C17] M. Alowaifeer, M. AlMuhaini, “Reliability analysis of distribution systems with hybrid renewable energy and demand side management,” 2016 13th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Leipzig, Germany, 21-24 March 2016.

[C18] S. Shafiq, U. Akram, A. Al-Awami, and M. AlMuhiani, “Reliability Evaluation and Economic Assessment of Micro-grid with V2G Electric Vehicles Coordination” Saudi Arabia Smart Grid 2016, Jeddah, December 2016.

[C19] A. Hourani, and M. AlMuhiani, “Impact of Demand Side Management on Reliability Performance of Distribution Network”, Saudi Arabia Smart Grid 2016, Jeddah, December 2016.

[C20] M. Omer, A. Al-Khaldi, and M. AlMuhiani, “Financial Analysis of Improving the Reliability of Critical Power Distribution Networks” The 9TH IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, May 2017.

[C21] A. Al-Nujaimi and M. AlMuhiani, “Reliability Assessment of Residential Power Distribution Systems Including Cold Load Pickup Events” The 9TH IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, May 2017.

[C22] P. Ilius, M. Rana, I. El-Amin, and M. AlMuhiani, “Optimization of Market-Based Energy Bidding of a Virtual Power Plant Using Genetic Algorithm” The 9TH IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, May 2017.

[C23] M. Ammous, M. Khater, and M. AlMuhiani, “Impact of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology on the Reliability of Distribution Systems” The 9TH IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, May 2017.

[C24] A. Bizrah and M. AlMuhaini, “The Impact of Seasonal ARMA Wind Speed Modeling on the Reliability of Power Distribution Systems,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, USA, July 2017.

[C25] A. Mohamed, M. Salim and M. AlMuhaini, "Reliability assessment and feasibility study for an industrial facility with the integration of hybrid renewable energy system," 2017 International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), Khartoum, 2017, pp. 1-6.

[C26] M. Abdulgalil, H. Alharbi, M. Khalid, and M. AlMuhaini, “Reliability Assessment of Microgrids with Multiple Distributed Generations and Hybrid Energy Storage”, The 27th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, June 2018. 

[C27] H. Abdellatif, M. Al-Muhaini, and M. Khalid, “Hybrid Distributed Generation System Modeling for Smart Self-Healing Electric Microgrid”, 2018 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Paper, Sep. 2018. 

[C28] G. Heydt, M. AlMuhaini, and E. Kyriakides, “Large Scale Desalination as a Cost Effective, Controlled Electric Load Resource” North American Power Symposium (NAPS), September 2018. 

[C29] H. Abdellatif, M. AlMuhaini and M. Khalid, “Reliability Analysis of an Integrated PV System Using Markovian Modeling,” in Proc. of the 10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2018 (APPEEC), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MALAYSIA, October 2018.

[C30] M. Abdulgalil, A. Amin, M. Khalid and M. AlMuhaini, “Optimal Sizing, Allocation, Dispatch and Power Flow of Energy Storage Systems Integrated with Distributed Generation Units and a Wind Farm,” in Proc. of the 10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2018 (APPEEC), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MALAYSIA, October 2018.

[C31] A.  Alahmed, S. Taiwo and M. Abido and M. AlMuhaini, ”Intelligent Flexible Priority List for Reconfiguration of Microgrid Demands Using Deep Neural Network”, IEEE PES ISGT ASIA, China, May 2019.

[C32] M. Abdulgalil, H. Alharbi, M. Khalid, and M. AlMuhaini, "Reliability Assessment of Microgrids with Multiple Distributed Generations and Hybrid Energy Storage," in Proc. of the IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Cairns, Australia, pp. 868-873, June 2018.

[C33] N. Amleh, M. AlMuhaini and M. Khalid, “Reliability Assessment of Standalone Wind-Based Energy Storage System Using Monte Carlo Simulation”, IEEE PES ISGT ASIA, China, May 2019.

[C34] Y. Abass, M. Abido, M. AlMuhaini and M. Khalid, “Multi-Objective Optimal DG Sizing and Placement in Distribution Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimization”, IEEE PES ISGT ASIA, China, May 2019.

[C35] S. Alshahrani, M. Khalid and M. AlMuhaini, “Minimizing Active Power Losses in Electricity Networks Based on Optimal Location of Battery Energy Storage System”, IEEE PES ISGT ASIA, China, May 2019.

[C36] N. Amleh, M. AlMuhaini, and Sasa Z. Djokic, “Smart Restoration for Improved Reliability of Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources”, 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), October 2018. 

[C37] S. Alshahrani, M. AlMuhaini and M. Khalid, "Minimizing Active/Reactive Power Losses in Electricity Networks Based on Optimal Location of Battery Energy Storage System," 2019 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Brasov, Romania, 2019, pp. 287-294.

[C38] A. S. Al-Ahmed, M. AlMuhaini "Hybrid Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach for Investigating Residential Load Compositions and Load Percentages", Power System And Green Energy Conference (PSGEC 2021), Shanghai, China, 2021.

[C39] M. AlMuhaini, P. Ilius and M. AlOwaifeer, "Intelligent Load Prioritization Sequence for Distribution System Reconfiguration," 2022 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 2022, pp. 1-5.

[C40] M. Al-Moallem, M. AlMuhaini and H. B. Qadhi, "Assessment of Grounding Grid of HV Substation in Terms of Reliability, Economy, and Safety," 2023 IEEE PES 15th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023 

[C41] M. Al Talaq, M. AlMuhaini and H. B. Qadhi, "Renewable Energy Sources Contribution to Short Circuit Current," 2023 IEEE PES 15th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023. 

[C42] H. Binqadhi, M. AlMuhaini, H. V. Poor and H. Huang, "Motif-Based Reliability Analysis for Cyber-Physical Power Systems," 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), Grenoble, France, 2023. 

[C43] H. Huang, H. V. Poor, D. Flynn and M. Al-Muhaini, "Understanding a Power Grid’s Cyber-Physical Interdependence Through Higher-order Motifs," 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington, DC, USA, 2024.